Author Archives: realakula51

About realakula51

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DCCC Docs from Pelosi’s PC


Hi everyone
As you see I’ve been gradually posting DCCC docs on different states.
But besides that I have a folder from the Nancy Pelosi’s PC and I’d like to share some docs from it with you. They are related to immigration, Hispanics, BLM, Islam and other issues.
So here they are

2016 NP Proposed Contributions 3.28.16

2016 NP Proposed  Contributions 3.28.16BLM Memo

blmDCCC Memo on Surrogates and Paying for House Volunteer Travel

surrogatesSJI Main Briefing- October 30th

sjiRecent Immigration Reform Proposals


isisFramework One Pager_Benghazi

benghaziCasellas Gilbert_Latino Council

casellas2015 Year in Review Memo

2015 Year in Review MemoPelosi FD Exit Memo – Smith

pelosi memo

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ISIS plans to hit US air bases in Mideast and around globe, warn Israelis cyberintelligence

Why should they share this information with the Obama administration, who hates Israel so much merely for defending itself against a foreign terrorist occupier? They should have left it to Obama to…

Source: ISIS plans to hit US air bases in Mideast and around globe, warn Israelis cyberintelligence

Rachel Mardsen, Russian Troll

Very interesting stuff, I say.

To Inform is to Influence

Logo from Rachel Marsden’s Website

So, there I was, cozy as a bug in a rug, and up pops Rachel Mardsen with her article “Brexiting a spy nest” which she posted in LinkedIn.  I knew nothing about her, but a friend and colleague had commented, so I looked at the article.

I read it and gave a fairly honest, if rather frank, review in my blog piece: “Pardon me, your bias is showing“, a rehash of what I had earlier stated online.  According to others viewing and commenting on her article who sent me PMs, I said what they wanted to say. Then she went plumb loco on me.

  • Within a few minutes, a friend wrote me and told me that Rachel deleted my posts reviewing her article.
  • She also deleted the link I posted to my blog, “Pardon me your bias is showing”.
  • Then she blocked me…

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